
I made this quick project to demonstrate my proficiency in SQL, focusing on data cleaning, transformation, and exploratory data analysis using a dataset containing information about tech companies layoffs.

The project is divided into two main sections:

  1. Data Cleaning and Preparation: Handling duplicates, standardizing data, and managing NULL values
  2. SQL Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) - Layoffs data : Extracting insights on layoff trends, company rankings, and time-based patterns
FROM layoffs;

Layoffs dataset

Layoffs dataset

1. Data Cleaning and Preparation

1.1 Remove Duplicates

-- Create a duplicate table to keep the raw data if needed
CREATE TABLE layoffs_staging LIKE layoffs;

-- Check for duplicates
WITH duplicate_cte AS (
    SELECT *,
           ROW_NUMBER() OVER(
               PARTITION BY company, location, industry, total_laid_off, 
               percentage_laid_off, `date`, stage, country, funds_raised_millions
               ORDER BY company) AS row_num
    FROM layoffs
FROM duplicate_cte
WHERE row_num > 1; # Return only duplicates


-- 1. Remove Duplicates
INSERT INTO layoffs_staging
FROM layoffs;


-- Check again for duplicates in new table
WITH duplicate_cte AS (
    SELECT *,
           ROW_NUMBER() OVER(
               PARTITION BY company, location, industry, total_laid_off, percentage_laid_off, `date`, stage, country, funds_raised_millions
               ORDER BY company) AS row_num
    FROM layoffs_staging
FROM duplicate_cte
WHERE row_num > 1; # Return 


1.2 Standardize the Data

-- Trim spaces in 'company' and 'country' columns
UPDATE layoffs_staging
SET company = TRIM(company), 
    country = TRIM(TRAILING '.' FROM country);

-- Standardize 'industry' column
UPDATE layoffs_staging
SET industry = 'Crypto'
WHERE industry LIKE 'Crypto%';

-- Convert 'date' from text to DATE type
UPDATE layoffs_staging
SET `date` = STR_TO_DATE(`date`, '%m/%d/%Y');

ALTER TABLE layoffs_staging

Regroup spelling errors

Regroup spelling errors

Regroup similar categories

Regroup similar categories

1.3 Handle Null and Blank Values

-- 3. Handle Null and Blank Values
-- Update blank industry to NULL
UPDATE layoffs_staging
SET industry = NULL
WHERE industry = '';

-- Fill missing industry values from same company and location
UPDATE layoffs_staging t1
JOIN (SELECT company, location, industry
      FROM layoffs_staging
      WHERE industry IS NOT NULL) t2
ON = AND t1.location = t2.location
SET t1.industry = t2.industry
WHERE t1.industry IS NULL;

-- Remove rows with both 'total_laid_off' and 'percentage_laid_off' NULL
DELETE FROM layoffs_staging
WHERE total_laid_off IS NULL AND percentage_laid_off IS NULL;

-- Check for remaining NULLs if needed
FROM layoffs_staging
WHERE industry IS NULL OR total_laid_off IS NULL OR percentage_laid_off IS NULL;